This is the first in what I hope to be a weekly series sharing which prefectures/cities to pray for in China each day. Included in each daily introduction are a couple of links to many more resources about the city and province to which it belongs. Scroll down* for my explanation of how I decide which cities to pray for each month.
Finally, each week I record the China Compass podcast in which (among other things) I talk through the locations targeted for prayer that week, sharing any specific thoughts or stories that come to mind. Here is my podcast for March 9-15, 2025: A North Korean Vacation? │Six "Considerations" Before Preaching │China’s Christian Hotel
Here are the unique Chinese places to pray for from March 9-15, 2025:
Mar 9 - Pray for relatively unknown Jiaozuo (“Gee’ao-dzwah”) in heavily populated Henan Province:
Henan is paired up with Kentucky and West Virginia for prayer:
Here's my Henan podcast (and more):
Mar 10 - Pray for Jianli in Hubei Province's Jingzhou Prefecture, one of China's many million+ cities almost no one has heard of:
Hubei (“Who-bay”) is matched with Illinois for prayer:
For more about Hubei (incl. my podcast):
Mar 11 - Pray for Zhangjiajie City in the breathtaking mountains of NW Hunan: Hunan literally translates to “south of the lake” and is paired with both Indiana and Ohio for prayer:
For more about Hunan (incl. my podcast):
Mar 12 - Pray for Kunshan City in Suzhou Prefecture in eastern China's Jiangsu Province:
Jiangsu Province is paired with Tennessee for prayer:
For more about Jiangsu (incl. my podcast):
Mar 13 - Pray for Fengcheng (“Fungchung”) City in Yichun Prefecture in SE China’s Jiangxi Province:,_Jiangxi
Jiangxi is paired with Georgia for prayer:
For more about Jiangxi (incl. my podcast):
Mar 14 - Pray for Meihekou City in Jilin Province’s Tonghua Prefecture, home of the Christian hotel I visited back in 2003:
Jilin (“Lucky Forest”) is paired with New England for prayer:
For more about Jilin (incl. my podcast):
Mar 15 - Pray for Panjin Prefecture in NE China's Liaoning Province, a place I visited one day back in 2003:
Liaoning is paired for prayer with New York, PA, NJ & Delaware:
For much more about Liaoning:
*Beginning in early 2024, I began working through each of China’s 31 provinces/regions once per month (on shorter months I skip a smaller, less-populated province), highlighting one new place per day, starting with the most populated in each province. More than a year later, I continue working my way down through each province’s prefecture/city list by population (greatest to least). The goal is to eventually pray for every prefecture, city, and county in China, the vast majority which the average western Christian has never even heard of.